Sunday, March 27, 2011

I'm So Blessed

One of my favorite children's books of all time is:
This sweet little bird who hatched while his mother is away getting him food, goes searching for his mother. He approaches various animals and objects, each time asking them, "Are you my mother?". He cannot seem to find her, and eventually shouts in desperation, "I want my mother!". As fate would have it, he makes it back to the nest just as his mother is returning, and they are happily reunited.

I don't know why this particular book popped into my mind just now, except for the fact that today is my mother's birthday, and I'm so grateful that she is MY mother. And also grateful to know that I, too, will soon be reunited with her. There! That's the connection. ha. I knew it was somewhere. I'm a nerd, I know. But my mom would never say so. She also would never tell anyone how often it is that I've shouted, "I want my mother!" demonstrated by calling her multiple times a week, doing most of the talking in our conversations, complaining about this and that. Mom, you're so patient and kind and understanding. I would be so annoyed with me over the years, at my neediness and negative attitude sometimes. YOU'RE THE GREATEST MOTHER, EVER, MOM! I LOVE YOU!!! Happy Birthday!!!:)

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