I've coined it my "adolescent summer" for a reason, and I couldn't have picked a better title. I'm babysitting kids for employment, hanging out mid-day with friends with no obligations in sight, having sleepovers, going to outdoor movies, taking small road trips, eating pizza three times a week, etc. And then last weekend I attended a Sadie Hawkins themed party! I was so excited about it when my friend announced she was having such a party. I never went to Sadies when I was in high school, so I was glad to make up for it. Part of the deal with Sadie Hawkins is that the girls have to ask the guys to go. I made a new friend a few weeks ago and decided to ask him to be my date. He accepted and we had fun coming up with an idea of what to wear. That's the second part to the theme--we had to come to the party in matching outfits of some sort. Last week he and I walked through Chinatown and Little Italy to get inspiration, with all the t-shirt shops that exist in those areas. Sure enough, it worked! We saw a Marilyn Monroe shirt that was pretty awesome, and my date goes, "That would be cool if you wore Marilyn and I wore JFK". Done and done! We decided to shop online for such shirts, and I found some pretty sweet ones for both of us. We ordered them the next day and hoped they'd show on time. Mine came within two days! It was super fast. His, unfortunately, never showed. But a few days before, my roommate had suggested trying iron-on paper for fabric, in case the shirt didn't show up in time. I went ahead and bought some paper at Michael's and tested it out. Well, my tester became the shirt we used that night, and it turned out great!
I'd say this night climbs the charts for making my summer truly a teenage experience.