Wednesday, August 19, 2009

So Far, So Good

Last night I saw Regina Spektor play a free show at a Barnes & Noble near Union Square. I got there an hour before it started, and already there were tons of kids staking out there spots by sitting in place, waiting patiently. I decided not to fight the crowd and just hung in out in the back. Her songs were interspersed by an author named Kurt Anderson, who I believe is also on a program on NPR. I stayed for a few songs and then went down a few floors to meet up with two friends who are also newcomers to NY. They both are about to start their masters in film at Columbia. We went out for pizza afterward and then I went over to my friend Jessica and Abby's to hang out and slept over there. I figure that will be happening often, since I live out in Brooklyn and don't want to be riding the subway alone, late at night. If it's ok with them, I should just leave a change of clothes and some toiletries at their place. Ha.

Today has been quite unproductive, but that's ok. It's super warm and humid out there. I made a visit to my campus. It surrounds Washington Square Park. There's a big fountain in the center, and people were playing it it today like it is a public pool. I walked closer to check it out, as it did look refreshing, but the smell that hit my nostrils was unpleasant, to say the least. I can't imagine putting my body in that. And I won't. Sitting in the shade is enough of a cool down for me. Below is my building and a close-up of the door I will be using frequently.

And last, but not least, are the animals who like me enough already, they hang out with me in my room. =)

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