Tuesday, December 21, 2010

So This is Christmas

I called "dibs" on this Nativity set of my mom's, but apparently two of my other sisters want it, too.If I have to claim ownership by stealing, I just might. My mom said she almost threw it away! I was the one who asked her to put it out with her many other Nativity sets. It's the best one, in my opinion. Maybe each child will get a piece and each Christmas we'll bring it together again. Wait, no. That's a dangerous plan. I'll just take care of it. No one has to worry.

I made another gingerbread house at my family's party...a big one, this time.
Too bad I never actually eat the candy. The photo below is random, but notice the similarities?

I have two, yes, two, pregnant sisters. I am in the middle of them in age. Yes, it makes me feel a little bit like a slacker. But not envious, no. I'm okay. They're due about one month apart from each other. Kinda crazy, but we've seen this kind of thing in my family before. One year, we had three babies born all within a month or two of each other. It's been 5 or 6 years since a wee babe has graced our family's presence. It's about time. The weather has been rainy consistently since I got here. I swear, the East Coast weather follows me every. single. time. Last month, when I was here for Thanksgiving it was in the 40s. Seriously? Above, you can see a faint rainbow in the sky, with a classic Vegas palm tree in the scene. Last, but not least of this random post, is Sawyer. He's a blond babe. He's the only one I care to take pictures of lately. Love him!

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