Wednesday, December 1, 2010


I failed to post on Thanksgiving because I was too busy enjoying my many blessings that come in the form of family and friends. As I've become a student of social work, I've never been more thankful of my upbringing and the many relationships in my life. I've been exposed to some less than ideal situations as of late, and as my heart nearly breaks for the people I'm working with, I am reminded constantly to count my many blessings. No life is perfect; no, not even my own (contrary to popular belief). But a lot of trouble and woe can be avoided with some guidance, greater purpose, and willpower.

As President Hinckley used to always say, if we were all a little bit kinder, a little bit more prayerful, a little bit more like Jesus Christ, we would be happier. It's simple, really.

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