Sunday, November 7, 2010

I Cannot Tell a Lie

I can't really say much of anything right now. This cold sickness has turned into me having no voice! I woke up Saturday morning to barely being audible--a perfect excuse to stay in bed all day, quite literally. I did not change from my pajamas, nor did I shower or do anything but lie in bed and sleep and take medicine and eat delicious soup my roommates provided. But to no avail, I remain in the same state today as I was yesterday; barely a voice, wanting to cough but not being able to, not feeling so great, and really annoyed at being sick, still.

Despite my condition, I attended church and tonight I went to a group dinner with some people from church. It was interesting trying to be a part of conversation throughout the day. I found myself wanting to say a whole lot more than I actually could, and being forced to keep quiet was frustrating, but telling. Maybe we sometimes like the sound of our own voices too much. Or maybe we're not afraid to give an opinion that we shouldn't. I did more talking, still, than I probably should have tonight, considering my lack of functioning vocal chords, but I thought, maybe I should sometimes do more listening and observing.
I think I found my costume idea for next Halloween.

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