Monday, October 18, 2010

Busy, Busy!!

Wow, what a whirlwind of a week! I had back to back visitors and MOVED at the end of it all--right about the time my midterms are happening. Ha. Good thing no assignments are due this week. That could've been bad news.

Meleah and her mom and two nieces came to the big city for a few days. They were a lively bunch! Ha.

Maybe they were just overwhelmed by it all, but her nieces were the most mellow teenage girls. We saw Jimmy Eat World the first night, and it was the very first concert for both of them.

I realized that I'm a very out-of-date Jimmy Eat World fan (aka: I'm old). And after we did Shake Shack, of course. They did a lot without me the first full day, but I got to take them to the rowboats!

And then I sent them off to the city of sin and moved into my room with a view!

I was so exhausted last night from it all, I washed AND dried my clothes in lipstick. I RARELY wear lipstick, let alone, keep it in my pocket! Ridiculous. I was too tired to even care, but it sucks real bad. Let's hope I find a "how to get lipstick stains out of clothing after they've been dried" tip on the Internet.


  1. You were right--that view is worth EVERYTHING!

    And I thought you weren't moving for another 2 weeks?

  2. how much it is to rent a rowboat? ive always wanted to do it...with a boy or something...

  3. Yeah, I thought I'd take longer to move out, with everything I got going on, but I just decided to do it and get it done.

    The row boats are cheap! Only $12 for a boat for one hour and you can put up to 4 people in a boat. And who needs to wait for a boy to go with when you got friends?! Puhlease! ;)
