Monday, February 15, 2010

Time's a-wastin'!

For the first time in my adult life, I live in an apartment with cable television. I just never have signed up for cable before. Most the apartments I have lived in, I found and started the lease and, frankly, I just never wanted to pay for TV. And all of the roommates I've had were cheap like me, or they just didn't care either way. I did go out and buy "bunny ears" once or twice, in order to receive basic channels, but I could not justify paying more than 12 bucks for something that I very well knew would numb my mind. Don't get me wrong; over the years I have loved watching cable TV whenever I was home at my parents' house or at a friend's. It was like a treat, since I never got to do it otherwise. And I should mention, my parents did not get cable until all the kids were out of the house! Go figure. And maybe that's why I just never cared to have cable, because I didn't know what I was missing.

Well, after nearly 10 years of adulthood and nearly 10 different apartments, I moved in to a place that ALREADY HAS CABLE! And just as I might have suspected, I have been "living at my parents house" for the past 6 weeks. What I mean is, I've been acting like I've been on vacation ever since January 1st. Or, in other words, you could call me a "coach potato", but we don't have a couch where we watch TV, nickname would be more like "mat potato". There's a thin, yet, comfortable, mat or pad with a bunch of pillows up in our loft where the TV is, which provides instant, easy lounging, perfect for watching endless hours of nothingness. Oh, and did I mention we also have DVR?! Seriously, the death of me. If only we still had televisions that looked like this:
Then, maybe I wouldn't get so sucked in. But we have one that looks like this:
so it's a little bit more appealing.

BUT! I have a plan. I've been attending a Gospel and World Religions class, and as a part of class I will participating in Lent, starting this Wednesday. I plan to give up this vice of mine for Lent, which lasts until Easter. There's just one exception to this rule...
I know it's not entirely giving up TV; HOWEVER, it is cutting back my TV watching from who knows how many hours a week to ONLY 1 hour a week. I'd say that's progress.:)

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