Friday, July 9, 2010

At Random

The other day, the temperature reached 102. I was hungry, had no food in the apartment, and did not want to go back outside. I decided cold, light, delicious sushi would be the perfect lunch for me. I found the place up the street from me online and ordered for delivery. It seriously is a block away, but that's how bad it was outside. So the web page got stuck, so I thought the order didn't go through. Frustrated, I went relunctantly back into the heat, after all. Well, upon my return from picking up my own sushi, I found the delivery guy waiting for me. Instead of one lunch special orders, I now had two:

Needless to say, I had sushi for lunch AND dinner that day. No complaints here.

On a different note, I saw this today and wanted to follow them to wherever it was they were headed.

Can you say incredibly adorable!? Oh my.

1 comment:

  1. I SAW THOSE SAME PEOPLE!!! And I took a picture of them with my phone. Wonder how many strangers took their photo last Thursday?
